1. 1
    Published 2001
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction / Michael Sohlman -- Life and philosophy of Alfred Nobel / Tore Frängsmyr -- The Nobel Foundation : a century of growth and change / Birgitta Lemmel -- Nomination and selection of the Nobel laureates / compiled by Birgitta Lemmel -- The Nobel Prize in Physics / Erik B. Karlsson -- The Nobel Prize in Chemistry : the development of modern chemistry / Bo G. …”
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  2. 2
    Published 2014
    Subjects: “…Nobel Prize winners -- Africa -- Biography.…”
    Access E-Book
    Electronic eBook
  3. 3
  4. 4
    Published 2012
    Subjects: “…Nobel Prizes.…”
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    Electronic eBook
  5. 5
    by Norrby, Erling
    Published 2010
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    Electronic eBook
  6. 6
    by Lagerkvist, Ulf
    Published 2003
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    Electronic eBook
  7. 7
    by McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch
    Published 1998
    Subjects: “…Women Nobel Prize winners -- Biography.…”
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    Electronic eBook
  8. 8
    by Bishop, J. Michael, 1936-
    Published 2004
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  9. 9
    by Norrby, Erling
    Published 2013
    Table of Contents: “…A magician of virology from Australia -- A divided Nobel Prize and a new era in immunology -- More Nobel Prizes in immunology -- Immunity, infections and transplantations -- Transgressing borders in science and scenes of life -- Making sense of hearing : art and science -- Unraveling the complexity of protein folding -- "It's so beautiful, you see, so beautiful!" …”
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    Electronic eBook
  10. 10
    by McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch
    Published 1993
    Subjects: “…Women Nobel Prize winners -- Biography.…”
  11. 11
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  14. 14
    Published 2009
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  15. 15
  16. 16
    by Doherty, P. C. (Peter C.)
    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…-- Through different prisms: science and religion -- Discovering the future -- How to win a Nobel prize.…”
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    Electronic eBook
  17. 17
    Published 2014
    Subjects: “…Nobel Prizes -- History.…”
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    Electronic eBook
  18. 18
  19. 19
    Published 1986
  20. 20
    by Hargittai, István
    Published 2002
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  21. 21
    by Rifkind, David
    Published 2005
    Subjects: “…Nobel Prizes.…”
    Access E-Book
    Electronic eBook
  22. 22
    Subjects: “…Nobel Prizes.…”
  23. 23
    by Lagerkvist, Ulf
    Published 2012
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    Electronic eBook
  24. 24
    by Zewail, Ahmed H.
    Published 2002
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    Electronic eBook
  25. 25
    Published 2002
    Subjects: “…Nobel Prizes.…”
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    Electronic eBook
  26. 26
    Published 2004
    Subjects: “…Nobel Prizes.…”
    Access E-Book
    Electronic eBook
  27. 27
    Published 2018
    Table of Contents: “…Abdul Kalam -- The Nobel Prize -- Acknowledgements -- Physics -- Chemistry -- Physiology or medicine -- Literature -- Peace -- Economics.…”
    Access E-Book
    Electronic eBook
  28. 28
  29. 29
  30. 30
  31. 31
  32. 32
    by Vaughan, Christopher L.
    Published 2008
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  33. 33
    by Curie, Eve, 1904-2007
    Published 1937
  34. 34
    by Lemmerich, J.
    Published 2011
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  35. 35
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  37. 37
    by Brown, Andrew, 1950 Aug. 12-
    Published 2012
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  38. 38
    by Dawson, M. Joan, 1944-
    Published 2013
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  39. 39
    by Reef, Catherine
    Published 1996
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  43. 43
    by Demi
    Published 2005
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  47. 47
    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…: the First World War, biased neutrality, and the Nobel Prizes in science / Robert Marc Friedman -- Pursuing common cultural ideals : Niels Bohr, neutrality, and international scientific collaboration during the inter-war period / Henrik Knudsen and Henry Nielsen -- Caught-up by politics : the Solvay Councils on Physics and the trials of neutrality / Kenneth Bertrams -- The scientific construction of Swiss neutrality / Daniel Speich Chasse -- A castle in the centre : the first Czechoslovak republic and European cooperation (1918-1938) / Carlos Reijnen -- Prague zionism, the Czechoslovak state, and the rise of German national socialism : the figure of Max Brod (1914-1933) / Gaëlle Vassogne -- Legitimacy through neutrality : resources of journalism in the international press visit to Sweden in 1923 / Patrik Lundell -- Of twins and time: scientists, intellectual cooperation, and the League of Nations / Jimena Canales -- Eye-deep in Hell : Heinrich Lammasch, the Confederation of Neutral States, and Austrian neutrality, 1899-1920 / Georg Cavallar -- Nobel science of peace : Norwegian neutrality, internationalism and the Nobel Peace Prize / Vidar Enebakk -- Neutrality and humanitarianism : Fridtjof Nansen and the Nansen passports / Rebecka Lettevall.…”
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  48. 48
    by Black, John, 1931-
    Published 1997
    Table of Contents:
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  49. 49
    by Harmon, William, 1938-
    Published 2006
    Table of Contents:
  50. 50
    by Brennan, Timothy, 1953-
    Published 1997
    Table of Contents: “…The Literary in the Light of the Nobel Prize.…”
  51. 51
    Published 1965
    Table of Contents:
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    by Branch, Taylor
    Published 1998
    Table of Contents:
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    Published 1960
    Table of Contents:
  54. 54
    by Thibodeau, Gary A., 1938-
    Published 2003
    Table of Contents:
  55. 55
    by Meyer, Doris, 1942-
    Published 1979
    Table of Contents: “…Gabriela Mistral and the Nobel Prize /…”
  56. 56
    by Faulkner, William, 1897-1962
    Published 1966
    Table of Contents:
  57. 57
    Published 1991
    Table of Contents: “…Address upon receiving the Nobel prize for literature /…”
  58. 58
    by Weston, Mark, 1953-
    Published 1999
    Table of Contents: “…Kawabata Yasunari and Oe Kenzaburo: Nobel Prize-Winning Novelists --…”
  59. 59
    Table of Contents: “…Jean-Paul Sartre wins the Nobel Prize --…”
  60. 60
    Published 1971
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Literary debut -- New troubles -- The struggle intensifies -- Manuscripts abroad -- Expulsion -- Nobel Prize.…”
  61. 61
    by Lessing, Doris, 1919-2013
    Published 1975
  62. 62
    by Müller, Herta, 1953-
    Published 1998
  63. 63
    by Hall, Carl W.
    Published 2008
    Table of Contents: “…Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- Preface -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- Appendix A: People with 50 or more patents (people deceased before 2000) -- Appendix B: Nobel prize recipients included in book -- References.…”
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  64. 64
    by Hutchisson, James M.
    Published 1996
    Table of Contents: “…Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature.…”
  65. 65
    by Conquest, Robert
    Published 1962
    Table of Contents: “…A man of the Enlightenment -- His literary intentions -- Toward Doctor Zhivago -- Opinions of Doctor Zhivago -- Publication problems -- The Soviet context: Officials and readers -- On the Nobel prizes -- The award and the assault -- Death in disgrace -- Olga Ivinskaya.…”
  66. 66
    by Lowenstein, Roger
    Published 2000
    Table of Contents: “…Tug-of-war -- 6. A Nobel Prize -- 7. Bank of volatility -- 8. The fall --- 9. …”
  67. 67
    by Ishiguro, Kazuo, 1954-
    Published 1995
  68. 68
    by Bergonzi, Bernard
    Published 1972
    Table of Contents: “…Louis, Harvard, Paris, 1888-1914 --- London reputation, 1915-1920 --- Poet and editor, 1921-1927 --- Religion, politics, and drama, 1928-1939 --- Comedies and second marriage, 1949-1965 --- Wartime and the Nobel Prize, 1940-1948.…”
  69. 69
    by Gordimer, Nadine
    Published 1991
  70. 70
    by Bok, Sissela
    Published 1991
  71. 71
    by Pais, Abraham, 1918-2000
    Published 1982
    Table of Contents: “…Purpose and plan -- Relativity theory and quantum theory -- Portrait of the physicist as a young man -- Entropy and probability -- The reality of molecules -- "Subtle is the Lord-- " -- The new kinematics -- The edge of history -- "The happiest thought of my life" -- Herr Professor Einstein -- The Prague papers -- The Einstein-Grossmann collaboration -- Field theories of gravitation : the first fifty years -- The field equations of gravitation -- The new dynamics -- "The suddenly famous Doctor Einstein" -- Unified field theory -- Preliminaries -- The light quantum -- Einstein and specific heats -- The photon -- Interlude : the BKS proposal -- A loss of identity : the birth of quantum statistics -- Einstein as a transitional figure : the birth of wave mechanics -- Einstein's response to the new dynamics -- Einstein's vision -- The final decade -- Epilogue -- Of tensors and a hearing aid and many other things : Einstein's collaborators -- How Einstein got the Nobel prize -- Einstein's proposals for the Nobel prize -- An Einstein chronology.…”
  72. 72
    Published 1985
    Table of Contents: “…On the death of the winner of the Nobel Prize for literature by Franz Josef Görtz -- Writer, jester, preacher / by Marcel Reich-Ranicki -- Heinrich Böll is dead / by Heinrich Vormweg -- The suffering and greatness of Heinrich Böll / by Joachim Kaiser -- Freedom is fading every day / Margarete Limberg -- An approach to the rationality of poetry / by Heinrich Böll.…”
  73. 73
    by Medvedev, Zhores A., 1925-2018
    Published 1973
    Table of Contents: “…The Difficult Summer of 1970 -- 21. The Nobel Prize for Literature -- 22. Where will the Nobel Prize be Presented? …”
  74. 74
    by Modiano, Patrick, 1945-
    Published 1986
  75. 75
    by Lessing, Doris, 1919-2013
    Published 2002
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    by Coffey, Patrick
    Published 2008
    Table of Contents: “…The ionists: Arrhenius and Nernst -- Physical chemistry in America: Lewis and Langmuir -- The third law and nitrogen: Haber and Nernst -- Chemists at war: Haber, Nernst, Langmuir, and Harkins -- Science and the Nazis: Nernst and Haber -- Nobel prizes: Lewis and Langmuir -- Nuclear chemistry: Lewis, Urey, and Seaborg -- Secret of life: Pauling, Wrinch, and Langmuir -- Pathological science: Langmuir -- Lewis's last days.…”
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  78. 78
  79. 79
    by Camus, Albert, 1913-1960
    Published 1942
  80. 80
    by Amram, Martha, 1957-
    Published 1999
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Uncertainty Creates Opportunities -- Option Valuation:The Nobel Prize-Winning Breakthrough -- From Wall Street to Main Street:Options on Real Assets -- Disciplined Strategy -- Quick Lessons -- The Four-Step Solution Process -- Calculating Option Values -- Adjusting for Leakage in Value -- Valuing a Start-up -- Investing in a Start-up -- Exploring for Oil -- Developing a Drug -- Investing in Infrastructure -- Valuing Vacant Land -- Buying Flexibility -- Combining Real and Financial Flexibility -- Investing to Preempt Competitors -- Writing a License -- Changing the Questions We Ask.…”
  81. 81
    by Scammell, Michael
    Published 1984
    Table of Contents: “…Out of chaos and suffering -- Childhood -- Farewell to the old world -- Writer and communist -- Marriage -- Fighting for the fatherland -- Arrest -- An enemy of the toiling masses -- Two are an organization -- First steps in the Archipelago -- To the new Jerusalem -- Life among the trusties -- Special-assignment prisoner -- In the first circle -- The parting of the ways -- Not quite Siberia -- A son of Gulag -- Exiled "in perpetuity" -- Cancer ward -- Matryona's place -- The schoolmaster from Ryazan -- On the threshold -- Breakthrough -- A true helper of the party -- The crest of the wave -- First doubts -- Lenin Prize candidate -- Not another Pasternak -- Enter the KGB -- The turning point -- A period of adjustment -- The best form of defence -- Letter to the Writers' Congress -- Playing the western card -- Portrait of the artist at fifty -- Expulsion from the Writers' Union -- The taming of Novy Mir -- The Nobel Prize -- The start of a vast enterprise -- Death of a poet -- Whose life is it anyway? …”
  82. 82
  83. 83
    by Pinter, Harold, 1930-2008
    Published 1975
    Government Document Book
  84. 84
    by Lessing, Doris, 1919-2013
    Published 1964
  85. 85
    by Thurman, Judith, 1946-
    Published 1982
  86. 86
    by Cullen, John B.
    Published 1961
    Table of Contents: “…Young Faulkner and his family -- Faulkner and I grow up -- Faulkner in a hunter's camp -- The Nobel prize in a hunters' camp -- Old times in the delta -- The old hunters -- Faulkner and his neighbors -- Faulkner and the race question -- Faulkner's fiction -- Miss Emily, Nancy, and some other people -- The sound and the fury and Sanctuary -- The Yocona River and As I lay dying -- Joe Christmas and Nelse Patton -- The Snopeses -- The town -- The mansion -- Faulkner's own south.…”
  87. 87
    by Vargas Llosa, Mario, 1936-
    Published 1984
  88. 88
    by Gordimer, Nadine
    Published 1982
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    by White, Patrick, 1912-1990
    Published 1982
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    by Vargas Llosa, Mario, 1936-
    Published 1990
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    by Ishiguro, Kazuo, 1954-
    Published 2021
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    by Gordimer, Nadine
    Published 1987
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    by Steinbeck, John, 1902-1968
    Published 1975
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    by Vargas Llosa, Mario, 1936-
    Published 1981
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    by Gao, Xingjian
    Published 2000
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    by Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951
    Published 1933
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    by White, Patrick, 1912-1990
    Published 1964