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    by Blenkinsopp, Joseph
    Published 2017
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    Published 2013
    Table of Contents: “…Nitschke -- The spread of Greek polis institutions in Hellenistic Cappadocia and the peer polity interaction model / Christoph Michels -- Shifting worldviews -- Ceremonies, athletics and the city: some remarks on the social imaginary of the Greek city of the Hellenistic period / Onno van Nijf -- The view from the old world: contemporary perspectives on Hellenistic culture / Andrew Erskine -- The Hellenistic far east: from the oikoumene to the community / Rachel Mairs -- Epilogue: Alexander the Great and Iskander dhu'l-Qarnayn: memory, myth and representation of a conqueror from Iran to south east India through the eyes of travel literature / Omar Coloru.…”
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    Published 1986
    Table of Contents: “…The history of the hellenistic period /…”
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    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Third Maccabees : historical fictions and the shaping of Jewish identity in the Hellenistic period /…”
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    Table of Contents: “…Early Hellenistic period -- Middle Hellenistic period -- Late Hellenistic period.…”
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    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Judah in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic periods -- pt. 3. Edom and Samaria : Judah's neighbors in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic periods -- pt. 4. …”
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  16. 16
    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…The Archaic and pre-Hellenistic period -- pt. 3. The Hellenistic period -- pt. 4. …”
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  17. 17
    Table of Contents: “…Ancient memories and primitive beginnings -- Sculpture : early developments and the Archaic period (c. 650-510 BC) -- Sculpture : the Late Archaic phase (c. 510-480 BC) -- Sculpture : the Early Classical period (c. 480-450 BC) -- Sculpture : the High Classical period (c. 450-400 BC) -- Sculpture : the fourth century BC -- Sculpture : the Hellenistic period -- Painting : earliest developments and the fifth century BC -- Painting : the fourth century BC -- Painting and mosaics : the Hellenistic period -- Architecture -- The decorative arts -- Art history, aesthetics, and comparative criticism.…”
  18. 18
    by Wolfe, Michael, 1945-
    Published 2013
    Table of Contents: “…Anonymous epitaphs of no known date -- Late archaic and classical periods -- Hellenistic period: age of Alexander -- The millennium: pagan Roman empire -- Late antiquity: Christian Roman empire.…”
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  19. 19
    by Reifenberg, Adolf, 1899-1953
    Published 1950
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- The period of the kings -- The Hellenistic period -- The Maccabean period -- The Herodian period -- The period of the revolts against Rome -- The Roman period -- Lists -- Acknowledgements -- Map of locations of archaeological interest.…”
  20. 20
    by Seltzer, Robert M.
    Published 1980
    Table of Contents: “…List of chronological tables -- pt. 1: The ancient Near Eastern period -- pt. 2: From the Hellenistic period to late antiquity -- pt. 3: Middle ages and early modern times -- pt. 4: The modern period.…”
  21. 21
    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Deconstructing festivals / William Slater -- Theatre rituals / Angelos Chaniotis -- The organisation of music contests in the Hellenistic period and artists' participation : an attempt at classification / Sophia Aneziri -- The men who built the theatres : theatropolai, theatronai, and arkhitektones / Eric Csapo ; with an archaeological appendix by Hans Rupprecht Goette -- Choregic monuments and the Athenian democracy / Hans Rupprecht Goette -- Performance in the Pythion : the Athenian Thargelia / Peter Wilson -- Dithyramb, tragedy, and Cyrene / Paola Ceccarelli and Silvia Milanezi -- A horse from Teos : epigraphical notes on the Ionian-Hellespontine Association of Dionysiac Artists / John Ma -- Kraton, son of Zotichos : artists' associations and monarchic power in the Hellenistic period / Brigitte Le Guen -- Theoria and theatre at Samothrace : the Dardanos by Dymas of Iasos / Ian Rutherford -- The Dionysia at Iasos : its artists, patrons, and audience / Charles Crowther -- An opisthographic lead tablet from Sicily with a financial document and a curse concerning choregoi / David Jordan -- Sicilian choruses / Peter Wilson.…”
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  22. 22
    by Galor, Katharina
    Published 2013
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction: history of the research -- Natural and man-made city limits -- The Chalcolithic period and the Bronze Age -- The Iron Age -- The Babylonian and Persian periods -- The Hellenistic period -- The Roman period -- The Byzantine period -- The early Islamic period -- The crusader and Ayyubid periods -- The Mamluk period -- The Ottoman period.…”
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  23. 23
    by Richardson, Emeline
    Published 1964
    Table of Contents: “…Etruria: the land and its settlement -- Prehistory: the Villanovans -- The beginning of history: the orientalizing period -- A summary of Etruscan history from Tarquin the First to Augustus -- The art of the archaic period -- The art of the classical period -- The art of the Hellenistic period -- Architecture -- Language and literature, music and games -- Religion.…”
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    by Paul-Zinserling, Verena
    Published 1973
    Table of Contents: “…Greece -- Crete and Mycenae -- The Trojan War and after -- Classical period: women of Athens -- Classical period: Spartan life -- The Hellenistic period: a cosmopolitan age -- The Hetaerae -- Fashion and beauty -- Rome -- Women and the law -- The Roman woman -- Religion and cult -- Heroines in myth and history -- The empresses -- Fashion, ornament, and cosmetics.…”
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  25. 25
    by Pallottino, Massimo
    Published 1952
    Table of Contents: “….) -- The painting of the Hellenistic period (third-first century b.c.…”
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    by Paul-Zinserling, Verena
    Published 1972
    Table of Contents: “…Greece -- Crete and Mycenae -- The Trojan War and after -- Classical period: women of Athens -- Classical period: Spartan life -- The Hellenistic period: a cosmopolitan age -- The Hetaerae -- Fashion and beauty -- Rome -- Women and the law -- The Roman woman -- Religion and cult -- Heroines in myth and history -- The empresses -- Fashion, ornament, and cosmetics.…”
  27. 27
    Published 1973
    Table of Contents: “…The Greek period: Archilochos to Hegemon -- The hellenistic period: Menander to Meleager -- Other hellenistic poets -- The Roman period: Diodoros Zonas to Philip -- Other poets of the Roman period -- The Roman empire: Antiphilos to Julianus of Egypt -- Other poets under the empire -- The early byzantine period -- Anonymous byzantine epigrams -- The later byzantines.…”
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    Published 1973
    Table of Contents: “…The Greek period: Archilochos to Hegemon -- The hellenistic period: Menander to Meleager -- Other hellenistic poets -- The Roman period: Diodoros Zonas to Philip -- Other poets of the Roman period -- The Roman empire: Antiphilos to Julianus of Egypt -- Other poets under the empire -- The early byzantine period -- Anonymous byzantine epigrams -- The later byzantines.…”
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    Published 2011
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    Published 1985
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    by Habib, Rafey
    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Plato -- Aristotle -- Greek rhetoric -- The Hellenistic period and Roman rhetoric -- Horace -- Longinus -- Neo-platonism -- The early Middle Ages -- The later Middle Ages -- Transitions : medieval humanism -- The early modern period -- Neoclassical literary criticism -- The Enlightenment -- The Kantian system and Kant's aesthetics -- G.W.F. …”
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    by Eban, Abba Solomon, 1915-2002
    Published 1968
    Table of Contents: “…Exile and return -- 7. The Hellenistic period -- 8. Under Roman dominion -- 9. The rise of Christianity -- 10. …”
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    by Roller, Lynn E.
    Published 1999
    Table of Contents: “…The Classical Period ; 7. The Hellenistic Period -- Part 3. From cult to myth ; 8. The myth of Cybele and Attis -- Part 4. …”
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  35. 35
    by Becatti, Giovanni, 1912-1973
    Published 1967
    Table of Contents: “…From the decline of the art of the Mycenaeans to the beginning of Greek art in the Geometric period -- The orientalizing trend and its diffusion -- The birth of monumental sculpture and the arts of the Archaic period -- The transition from the Archaic to the Severe style -- The Severe style and its artistic conception -- The Classical style and the achievement of an ideal organic naturalism -- The art of the fourth century and the humanization of the Classical ideal -- The art of the Hellenistic period -- The contrast between Greek influence and the ideal of the Civis Romanus -- Artistic trends under Sulla and Caesar and the formation of Roman art -- Augustan and Julio-Claudian classicism -- Naturalism and colorism in Flavian art -- Greek teaching and Roman tradition in the Imperial art of the Trajanic period -- The classicizing character of Hadrianic art -- Classicism and colorism in the art of the Antonines -- Expressionism in late second-century art and the beginning of late antique conceptions -- Severan artistic splendor and the art of the late empire -- Eastern and western aspects of art in the reign of Constantine -- Popular and classicizing currents in the art of the fourth century -- The new development of the historical relief in the East -- Glossary.…”
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    by Rowland, Benjamin, 1904-1972
    Published 1963
    Table of Contents: “…The Greek ideal -- The Archaic period -- The transitional period -- The great period -- The fourth century: Praxiteles, Lysippus, Scopas -- The Hellenistic period and the altar of Pergamum -- A gallery of masterpieces -- Painting in the ancient world -- Rome and Roman art -- Augustus -- Hadrian the Hellenophile -- Greek originals and Roman copies -- The late antique period -- Constantine -- Early Christian art -- Classicism in Byzantine art -- The barbarian period -- The Carolingian renaissance -- The late Middle Ages and classical antiquity -- Classical forms in the Romanesque period -- The Gothic period -- The Augustan revival of Frederick II -- Nicola Pisano -- Classical forms in the fourteenth century Italy -- The Renaissance in Italy -- Lorenzo Ghiberti -- Venus Reborn -- Piero Della Francesca -- Botticelli and the Neoplatonic ideal -- Donatello -- The labors of Hercules -- Mantegna -- The high renaissance -- Raphael's Galatea.…”
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    Published 1999
    Table of Contents: “…/ Jan Bremmer -- The logic of cosmogony / Walter Burkert -- Myth, memory, and the chorus : 'tragic rationality' / John Gould -- The rhetoric of Muthos and Logos : forms of figurative discourse / Claude Calame -- Mythology : reflections from a Chinese perspective / Geoffrey Lloyd -- Euenius the negligent nightwatchman (Herodotus 9. 92-6) / Alan Griffiths -- 'Myth into Logos' : the case of Croesus, or the historian at work / François Hartog -- Monsters in Greek ethnography and society in the fifth and fourth centuries BCE / Dominique Lenfant -- Rationalizing myth : methods and motives in Palaephatus / Jacob Stern -- Demythologizing the past, mythicizing the present : myth, history, and the supernatural at the dawn of the Hellenistic period / Albert Henrichs -- What is a Muthos for Plato? …”
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    Published 1991
    Table of Contents: “…: the emergence of a title for royal women in the Hellenistic Period / Elizabeth Carney -- Family behavior of the Roman aristocracy : Second Century B.C.…”
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    Table of Contents: “…Theocratic history and myth -- The creation of scientific history by Herodotus -- Anti-historical tendency of Greek thought -- Greek conception of history's nature and value -- Greek historical method and its limitations -- Herodotus and Thucydides -- The Hellenistic period -- Polybius -- Livy and Tacitus -- Character of Greco-Roman historiography : humanism -- Character of Greco-Roman historiography : substantialism -- pt. …”
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    Published 2012
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  42. 42
    by Morenz, Siegfried
    Published 1973
    Table of Contents: “…7 Egyptian theology -- Nature of Egyptian theology -- Local deities; 'syncretism' -- Unity in plurality; Egyptian trinities -- Doctrine of Amenophis IV -- Origins of monotheism -- Relationship between deity and image -- Initial assumption of identity between image and object -- Ritual performed to vitalize the image -- Concept of ba -- 8 Egyptian cosmogonies and doctrines of evolution -- Creation -- The creator-god as craftsman -- God as procreator -- Creation through god's word -- Time of the creation; 'the first time' -- Material of creation -- Mythology of creation and scientific thought -- Origin of life from an egg -- Origin of life from a lotus -- Relationship between doctrines of creation and evolution -- 9 Death and the dead -- Creation of man -- God as lord of death -- Death part of cosmic order -- Egyptian attitude to death -- The act of dying -- Egyptians' lifelong consciousness of death -- Creative consequences: the pyramids and Egyptian art -- Burial customs; mummification -- Funerary gifts and supply of provisions -- Concept of heaven -- Realm of the dead -- Historical development -- Significance: overcoming death -- 10 Sacred writings -- Cult religion and scriptural religion -- Range of religious literature -- Characteristics of religious literature; divine authorship -- Unity and variety in religious literature -- Textual changes -- Recitation of religious literature -- Secret texts -- Mortuary literature -- Reasons for development of mortuary literature -- Magical significance of mortuary literature -- 11 Egyptian religion and the outside world -- Beginning of contact with foreign lands -- Old kingdom -- Middle kingdom -- New kingdom -- Popular character of this influence -- Zenith of Syrian influence -- Contacts with the south in Ethiopian period -- Contacts with Greek world: earliest period -- Hellenistic period -- Hellenistic age -- Contribution to Old and New Testament -- Egypt's significance for early Christian theology.…”
  43. 43
    Published 2016
    Table of Contents: “…Webb -- The social and economic roles played by the women of Alashiya / Louise Steel -- Women and the art of Ancient Cyprus / Nancy Serwint -- Women in the cities of Cyprus: rulers and urban dwellers from the Late Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period / Joanna S. Smith -- Functions and personalities of "Syrian" priestesses in the Bronze Age: priestesses at Mari, Emar, and Ugarit / Patrick M. …”