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Suggested Subjects within your search.
- History 11
- Religious aspects 4
- Catholic Church 2
- Christianity 2
- Religious life 2
- African American women 1
- African Americans 1
- American literature 1
- Anabaptists 1
- Appreciation 1
- Censures, Ecclesiastical 1
- Church and state 1
- Church history 1
- Death and burial 1
- Discipline 1
- Dysfunctional families 1
- Excommunication 1
- Families 1
- Family members 1
- Freedom of religion 1
- Gay men 1
- Gender roles 1
- Habad 1
- Hasidim 1
- History and criticism 1
- Holocaust (Christian theology) 1
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 1
- Homosexuality 1
- Intellectual life 1
- Italian literature 1
4by Godman, PeterTable of Contents:
Published 2004Book -
5Published 1902Table of Contents: “…Ordeals, compurgation, excommunication and interdict.…”
Book -
6by Feuer, Lewis S. (Lewis Samuel), 1912-2002Table of Contents: “…Chapter 1: The excommunication of Baruch Spinoza -- The decree of anathema -- The Jewish community of Amsterdam -- Why Spinoza was excommunicated -- The economic and political structure of Amsterdam Jewry -- The use of excommunication as a socio-economic weapon: the cases of Menasseh ben Israel and Uriel Acosta -- How Spinoza became a liberal republican -- Spinoza's rejection of Jewish authority -- Spinoza's judges: the commercial magnates and rabbis Aboab and Morteira -- The trial -- Chapter 2: Revolutionist in mystic withdrawal -- The periods of Spinoza's thought -- The first state: retreat among the religious communists -- Spinoza's Mennonite friends -- Spinoza's meeting with an English Quaker missionary -- Spinoza's pantheism and the radical thought of the seventeenth century -- Chapter 3: Political scientist in the cause of human liberation -- The political philosopher as political participant -- The political setting -- The birth of liberalism -- The Calvinist party in the Netherlands -- Spinoza and John de Witt: the geometrical method in politics -- Spinoza and the mass of mankind -- Determinism and social science: the guide to action and the apotheosis of acquiescence -- Chapter 4: The promise and anguish of democracy -- The limits of democracy and the futility of revolution -- Demonstration of the futility of revolution -- What is democracy? …”
Published 1958
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7by Etkes, I.Table of Contents: “…Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady's rise to leadership -- A leader of Hasidim -- Between center and periphery -- Sefer Shel Beinonim: the Book of Average Men -- On the front line against the mitnagdim: excommunications and prohibitions -- At the front versus the mitnagdim: the first imprisonment -- At the front against the mitnagdim: the second arrest -- Zaddikim as human beings: the conflict with Rabbi Abraham of Kalisk -- Between Napoleon and Alexander.…”
Published 2015
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8by White, Calvin, 1973-Table of Contents: “…Introduction: the roots of the study -- In the beginning, there stood two: the reconstruction of African American religion and the birth of the Black holiness movement -- We will let the courts speak for us: controversy within the holiness movement and the excommunication of a saint -- Mason told us not to fight: religion, respectability, and conscientious objectorship -- Come over to Macedonia and help: sanctification disguised as racial uplift -- Memphis, the hope of a promised land: the achievement of respectability for the Church of God in Christ -- "Dar he": COGIC and the national civil rights movement -- Afterword: wandering in the wilderness.…”
Published 2012
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9Published 1970Table of Contents: “…Part I : The young Luther -- Birth, childhood, early life -- Luther the monk -- Luther's public and academic life, 1509-15 : the theses of April 1517 -- Part II : The indulgence controversy -- The controversy -- The 'Theology of the Cross' -- The encounter with Cajetan at Augsburg, October 1518 -- The Leipzig disputation, June-July 1519 -- The manifestos of 1520 -- The diet of worms, April 1521 -- Luther's condemnation and excommunication -- Part III : The prisoner of the Wartburg -- Luther's 'captivity' -- Luther's health and writings : the Zwickau prophets -- Karlstadt and Wittenberg radicalism -- Part IV : The watershed -- The peasant war -- Part V : From Luther to Lutheranism, 1526-1535 -- The eucharistic controversy and the Marburg colloquy -- Luther's two catechisms -- The Augsburg confession -- Part VI : The last decade -- Historical background -- Luther's illnesses -- The bigamy of Philip of Hesse -- Luther's doctrine of the church.…”
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10by Ridolfi, Roberto, 1899-1991Table of Contents: “…Family background ; studies ; religious vocation ; early convent years -- First stay in Florence and first divine revelation -- From the sermons in San Gimignano to the second period in Florence -- The return to Florence and the conquest of the Florentines -- 'The preacher of the despairing' and the 'joust' with Genazzano -- The friar and the magnifico ; the sermons on Genesis -- The separation from the Lombard congregation -- The reform of San Marco -- The ark and the flood ; the 'new Cyrus' -- Fra Girolamo and Charles VIII ; the friar founder of the popular state -- The death of Savonarola's mother and of Pico -- The struggle against the Arrabbiati and the Tiepidi -- The king again in Florence ; Florence, the city of God -- The first papal briefs -- The first interval of silence -- The sermons on Amos ; the quiet after the storm -- The sermons on Micah ; the great calm -- The Tuscan-Roman congregation ; the sermons on Ezekiel -- The ascension day riots and the irregular excommunication -- The plague of the spirit and the plague of the body -- The sermons on Exodus and the departure from the pulpit -- Thoughts of a concilium ; the ordeal by fire -- The assault on San Marco ; imprisonment and trials -- The last writings and the last trial ; the stake -- Summary account of the cult and fortune of Savonarola.…”
Published 1959
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11by Courcel, Martine deTable of Contents: “…-- Resurrection -- Excommunication -- The crimea -- Tolstoy and the revolutionaries -- The man with black gloves -- Tolstoy, starets of all the Russians -- Part V: Departure -- The division of the spoils -- The last days -- Escape -- The outcome.…”
Published 1988
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12by Cargas, Harry J.Table of Contents: “…As They Stare into Mine -- Help Me Remember: Three Personal Prayers -- Letter to a Friend -- The Protocols of the Learned Owners of Baseball -- Faith, Hope, and Dogma -- To Excommunicate Adolf Hitler -- Canonize Dietrich Bonhoeffer -- The Continuum of Gypsy Suffering -- Hochhuth's 'The Deputy': One Generation After -- My Papal Encyclical -- On Meeting Kurt Waldheim: An Open Letter to Pope John Paul II -- On Interviewing Holocaust Survivors -- A Holocaust Commemoration.…”
Published 1989
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13by Scult, MelTable of Contents: “…Excommunications: Kaplan and Spinoza -- Self-reliance: Kaplan and Emerson -- Nationalism and righteousness: Ahad ha-Am and Matthew Arnold -- Universalism and pragmatism: Felix Adler, William James, and John Dewey -- Kaplan and peoplehood: Judaism as a civilization and Zionism -- Kaplan and his God: an ambivalent relationship -- Kaplan's theology: beyond supernaturalism -- Salvation: the goal of religion -- Salvation embodied: the vehicle of mitzvot -- Mordecai the pious: Kaplan and Heschel -- The law: halakhah and ethics -- Kaplan and the problem of evil: cutting the gordian knot -- Appendix: "Thirteen wants" of Mordecai Kaplan reconstructed.…”
Published 2014
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14by Rustow, MarinaTable of Contents: “…The tripartite community -- Jewish book culture in the tenth century -- The limits of communal autonomy -- Qaraites and the politics of powerlessness -- "Nothing but kindness, benefit, and loyalty" : Qaraites and the ge'onim of Baghdad -- "Under the authority of God and all Israel" : Qaraites and the ge'onim of Jerusalem -- "Glory of the two parties" : petitions to Qaraite courtiers -- The affair of the ban of excommunication in 1029 -- Rabbanite-Qaraite marriages -- In the courts : legal reciprocity -- Avignon in Ramla : the schism of 1038-42 -- The tripartite community and the First Crusade -- Epilogue : toward a history of Jewish heresy.…”
Published 2008
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15by Friedenthal, Richard, 1896-1979Table of Contents: “…The Conflagration] The ninety-five theses -- The Holy Roman Empire -- Augustinians and Dominicans -- Examination before Cardinal Cajetan in Augsburg -- The Miltitz interlude -- Seventeen days' disputation -- The three primary treatises -- Ulrich von Hutten -- The Bull of Excommunication -- Summons before the Emperor -- The Diet of Worms -- To the Wartburg -- The Edict -- The German Bible -- Unrest in Wittenberg and beyond -- False Spring -- A Dutchman as pope -- Sickingen and the end of the knights -- Twilight -- The Battle of Pavia -- The Peasants' War.…”
Published 1970
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16by Lacan, Jacques, 1901-1981Table of Contents: “…Preface to the English-language edition -- Editor's note -- 1. Excommunication -- THE UNCONSCIOUS AND REPETITION -- 2. …”
Published 1978
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17Published 1957Table of Contents: “…The beginnings of the Anabaptist reformation : reminiscences of George Blaurock : an excerpt from the Hutterite Chronicle, 1525 -- Sermon before the princes : an exposition of the second chapter of Daniel, Allstedt, July 13, 1524 / by Thomas Müntzer -- Letters to Thomas Müntzer : Zurich, September 5, 1524 / by Conrad Grebel and friends -- Whether God is the cause of evil : Augsburg, 1526 / by John Denck -- On free will : Nicolsburg, 1527 / by Balthasar Hubmaier -- The trial and martyrdom of Michael Sattler : Rottenburg, 1527 -- A letter to John Campanus : Strassburg, 1531 / by Sebastian Franck -- An answer to Luther's malediction : before April 23, 1544 / by Caspar Schwenckfeld -- The ordinance of God : 1530 / by Melchior Hofmann -- A confession : recollections of the years 1533-1536 / by Obbe Philips -- The church of God / by Dietrich Philips -- On the ban : questions and answers / by Menno Simons -- Cherished instructions on sin, excommunication, and the community of goods : probably in Bucovice, Moravia, c. 1537 / by Ulrich Stadler -- Pt. 2. …”
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19by Taylor, InaTable of Contents: “…-- A proud race -- The long sad years of youth, 1819-1836 -- Neither use nor ornament, 1836-1841 -- You excommunicate me, 1841-1843 -- Rosehill and the inhabitants of that paradise, 1842-1849 -- His inspiration has so quickened my faculties, 1842-1849 -- Metamorphosis, 1849-1850 -- The wicked Westminster, 1851 -- The man question, 1852-1853 -- I am a heathen and an outlaw, 1853-1854 -- An infamous seduction, 1854-1855 -- A new era of my life, 1855-1857 -- I certainly care a good deal for the money, 1858-1863 -- Changing the image, 1863-1869 -- Honour and homage, 1870-1878 -- I am now determined to live as bravely as I can, 1878-1880 -- Epilogue -- Appendices. …”
Published 1989
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20Published 1997Table of Contents: “…Stewart -- My call to preach ; Heavenly visitations again ; Public effort, excommunication ; Women in the gospel / Julia A.J. Foote -- Our greatest want / Frances Ellen Watkins Harper -- The requisites of true leadership : by Miss Ida B. …”
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21Published 2011Table of Contents: “…/ Si Transken -- A brother no longer: a real story of family dysfunction and abuse / Anonymous -- Female excommunicated: a life course and family in conflict with norms and tradition / Clary Krekula.…”
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22Published 1999Table of Contents: “…Introduction / Harold Coward and John McLaren -- Willing to suffer : law and religious conscience in seventeenth-century England / Justin A.I. Champion -- Excommunicating the governor's wife : religious dissent in the Puritan colonies before the era of rights consciousness / Cornelia Hughes Dayton -- Enlightenment and conscience / Martin Fitzpatrick -- Speech for the soul : religion, conscience, and free speech in antebellum America / Elizabeth B. …”
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23by Mallette, KarlaTable of Contents: “…/ Al-Atrabanishi -- "Pass round the golden carnelian-red [wine]" / Al-Buthayri and Ibn Bashrun -- "The radiant moon has been extinguished" / Abu al-Dawʼ -- "He sought solace" / Abu Hafs -- Introduction to al-Idrisi's Geography -- The Travels of Ibn Jubayr -- The daughter of Ibn ʻAbbad and Frederick II -- Henricus Aristippis's preface to his translation of Plato's Phaedo, ca. 1156 -- Preface to a translation of Ptolemy's Almagest / by an unknown translator, ca. 1160 -- On the death of William and the arrival of the Germans / Hugo Falcandus -- Lament on the death of William II / Peter of Eboli -- Hunting with birds / Frederick II -- Frederick II and Lucera -- Innocent IV excommunicates Frederick -- The destruction of Lucera -- Introduction to the Book of Sydrac -- "Maravigliosamente" / Giacomo da Lentini -- "Armor non vole" / Giacomo da Lentini -- "Or come pote sí gran donna intrare" / Giacomo da Lentini -- "A l'aire claro ò vista ploggia dare" / Giacomo da Lentini -- "Dolze meo drudo" / Frederick II -- "Sei anni ò travagliato" / Mazzeo di Ricco -- "Già mai non mi conforto" / Rinaldo d'Aquino -- "Ancor che l'aigua per lo foco lassi" / Guido delle Colonne -- "Oi lassa 'namorata" / Anonymous.…”
Published 2005
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24Published 2006Table of Contents: “…Developments in women's writing -- Brand plucked from the fire -- My call to preach the gospel -- Public effort : excommunication -- Women in the Gospel / Julia A.J. Foote (1823-1900) -- My contraband / Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) -- Circumstance / Harriet Prescott Spofford (1835-1921) -- Miss Grief / Constance Fenimore Woolson (1840-1894) -- A white heron -- Martha's lady / Sarah Orne Jewett (1849-1909) -- A New England nun -- The revolt of "mother" / Mary E. …”
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25by Beerman, Leonard I., 1921-2014Table of Contents: “…Lawson Jr -- First encounter with George (Regas), April 13, 2005 -- Why the prophets are important, May 20, 1983 / commentary by Professor Jack Miles -- Handwritten reflections on doubt / commentary by Rabbi Rachel Timoner -- Can we excommunicate God? April 30, 1965 / commentary by Professor Rabbi Rachel Adler -- Duty of the rabbi / commentary by Rabbi Richard Levy -- Diary of a Leo Baeck Temple rabbi, February 5, 1971 / commentary by Rabbi Kenneth Chasen -- List of things to do today -- Yom Kippur eve-vocation of a rabbi, September 17, 1972 / commentary by Rabbi Sharon Brous -- Fast between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, September 1972 / commentary by Professor Steven J. …”
Published 2018
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