1. 1
    by Puértolas, Soledad
    Published 1998
    “…Bordeaux (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France) Fiction. n 79091189…”
  2. 2
    by Pitte, Jean-Robert, 1949-
    Published 2008
    Subjects: “…Wine and wine making -- France -- Bordeaux -- History.…”
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  3. 3
    by Tey, Josephine, 1896 or 7-1952
    Published 1933
  4. 4
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1913
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  5. 5
    by Forrest, Alan I.
    Published 1975
    “…Bordeaux (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France) Politics and government. n 79091189…”
  6. 6
    by Danflou, Alfred
    Published 2015
    Subjects: “…Wine and wine making -- France -- Bordeaux (Aquitaine)…”
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  7. 7
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1900
  8. 8
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1921
  9. 9
    by Goya, Francisco, 1746-1828
    Published 1969
    “…The bulls of Bordeaux…”
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  13. 13
    Table of Contents: “…Autobiographies of the authors: Susan Bordeaux Bettelyoun -- Josephine Waggoner -- With my own eyes: Chief Lone Dig -- My mother, Huntkalutawin -- Bordeaux -- At Laramie -- Crow Butte -- Three stories of the Battle of the Blue Water -- Conditions from 1854 till 1868 -- Two stories of Horse Creek -- My early days -- Crazy Horse, Tasunka Witco -- On the reservation -- Appendixes: Lakota pronunciation and phonological key -- Lakota social organizations -- Movement of the Brule and Oglala agencies -- Family tree of Susan Bordeaux Bettelyoun -- Chronology.…”
    Government Document Book
  14. 14
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  16. 16
    Published 2005
    Subjects: “…Expatriate artists -- France -- Bordeaux (Nouvelle-Aquitaine) -- Biography -- Drama.…”
    Video DVD
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  23. 23
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1908
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  24. 24
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1921
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  25. 25
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1913
  26. 26
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1908
  27. 27
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1921
  28. 28
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1923
  29. 29
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1906
  30. 30
    by Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963
    Published 1906
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  31. 31
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  33. 33
  34. 34
    Published 1976
    Table of Contents: “…The condition of the poor in revolutionary Bordeaux /…”
  35. 35
    Published 2000
    Table of Contents: “…Postwar justice in France : Bordeaux 1953 /…”
  36. 36
    Published 2000
    Table of Contents: “…Postwar justice in France : Bordeaux 1953 /…”
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  37. 37
    by Croall, Jonathan
    Published 2001
    Table of Contents:
  38. 38
    Published 1972
    Table of Contents:
  39. 39
    Table of Contents: “…The Paris-Bordeaux controversy -- The elections -- The national assembly meets at Bordeaux -- Thiers in power -- The peace preliminaries -- Ratification of the peace preliminaries -- The assembly moves to Versailles -- The commune -- The assembly and the commune -- Thiers and the commune -- The palace and the assembly -- The royalist party and the question of the princes -- The republican party and the July elections -- Thiers, the government and the assembly.…”
  40. 40
    by Descotes, Maurice
    Published 1969
  41. 41
    by Korr, Charles P.
    Published 1975
    Table of Contents: “…The establishment of the commonwealth: its international setting -- The commonwealth viewed from the outside -- The commonwealth asserts itself -- The labors of Bordeaux -- Cromwell takes control -- The end of the Dutch War -- New policies considered -- The de Baas Fiasco -- Cromwell's policy of nondecision -- Bordeaux's negotiations are blocked -- The western design -- The crisis of the Vaudois -- The treaty of Westminster -- Lockhart's mission to France -- Dunkirk and the alliance with France -- Cromwell and France: the policy in retrospect.…”
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  45. 45
    Table of Contents: “…The eyquems of Bordeaux -- The lopez de villanueva -- The early years [1533-1554] -- The magistrate [1554-1570] -- La boetie [1559-1563] -- Marriage [1565-1592] -- Translation, inheritance, retiremant [1567-1571] -- At home [1571-1580] -- The early essays [1571-1574] -- The "Apology for Raymond Sebond" [1573-1576-1579] -- The writer finds his theme [1577-1580] -- Travel in Italy [1580-1581] -- Mayor of bordeaux [1581-1585] -- The essays of 1588 [1585-1588] -- Among the great [1586-1592] -- The final additions [1588-1592] -- Death and survival [1592 --].…”
  46. 46
    by Lukes, Steven
    Published 1972
    Table of Contents: “…A: Courses of lectures given by Durkheim at Bordeaux and Paris -- B. Durkheim as examiner -- C. …”
  47. 47
    by Norton, Grace, 1834-1926
    Published 1904
    Table of Contents: “…--Men of letters at Bordeaux.--Appendix: Humanitarian thought in the 16th and 19th centuries. …”
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  48. 48
    by Stirling, Lea Margaret
    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Findspots, functions, and the burden of proof: some questions of methodology -- Late antique villas in southwest Gaul and their sculptural collections -- Issues of style, chronology, and origins -- Paideia and the world of Ausonius of Bordeaux: the social environment of late mythological statuary -- Learned collectors across the empire -- Statuary, paideia, and collecting: conclusions.…”
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  49. 49
    by Calin, William
    Published 1983
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- La Chanson de Roland -- Raoul de Cambrai -- Huon de Bordeaux -- Chrétien de Troyes -- Le Roman de la Rose -- Guillaume de Machaut -- Ronsard -- D'Aubigné -- Saint-Amant -- Le Moyne -- Boileau -- Voltaire -- Lamartine -- Vigny -- Hugo -- Saint-John Perse -- Aragon -- Pierre Emmanuel -- Conclusion.…”
  50. 50
    by Simon, Jules, 1814-1896
    Published 1879
    Table of Contents: “…II. The assembly at Bordeaux ; ch. III. The preliminaries of peace ; ch. …”
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  51. 51
    by Jammes, Robert
    Published 1967
  52. 52
    by Simpson, James, 1953-
    Published 2011
    Table of Contents: “…European wine on the eve of the railways -- Phylloxera and the development of scientific viti-viniculture -- Surviving success in the Midi : growers, merchants, and the state -- Selling to reluctant drinkers : the British market and the international wine trade -- Bordeaux -- Champagne -- Port -- From sherry to Spanish white -- Big business and American wine : the California Wine Association -- Australia : the tyranny of distance and domestic beer drinkers -- Argentina : New World producers and Old World consumers.…”
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  53. 53
    Table of Contents: “…Reflections on the petitions from Bordeaux, Le Havre, and Lyons relating to the Customs Service -- The tax authorities and wine -- On the wine-growing question -- Property and law -- Justice and fraternity -- Individualism and fraternity -- The state -- The state (draft ) -- The law -- Property and plunder -- Baccalaureate and socialism -- Protectionism and communism -- Plunder and law -- The war against chairs of political economy -- Peace and freedom or the republican budget -- Discourse on the tax on wines and spirits -- The repression of industrial unions -- Reflections on the amendment of M. …”
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  54. 54
    by Owen, Wilfred, 1893-1918
    Published 1967
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Biographical table -- The Owen and Shaw families -- Birkenhead and Shrewsbury : 1898-1911 -- Dunsden and after : 1911-1913 -- Bordeaux and the Pyrenees : 1913-1914 -- Mérignac and the Artists' Rifles : 1914-1915 -- Training : 1916 -- The Somme and Craiglockhart : 1917 -- Return to France : 1918 -- Appendixes. …”
    Government Document Book
  55. 55
    Table of Contents: “…Seen in perspective -- Pulpits and taverns -- The case for intolerance -- Richard Overton -- William Walwyn -- John Lilburne -- The Leveller challenge -- The new model -- The lieutenant-general -- The revolt of the army -- The army's bid for peace -- The agreement of the people -- The Putney debates -- The mutiny at ware -- The Leveller party -- Winter of discontent -- The second Civil War -- From Preston fight to pride's purge -- Toleration -- 'The moderate' -- The Levellers and the land -- The commonwealth emerges -- Lilburne's challenge -- Cromwell's counterstroke -- For a free Ireland -- News from Burford -- The Levellers' platform -- 'Walwyn's wiles' -- Towards a bounded monarchy -- The jury of life and death -- After victory eclipse -- What became of the party -- Rival reformers -- The true Levellers -- The red flag at Bordeaux.…”
  56. 56
    Carpetbagger's crusade ; the life of Albion Winegar Tourgée / by Otto H. Olsen.
    Carpetbagger's crusade : the life of Albion Winegar Tourg�ee /
    by Olsen, Otto H.
    Published 1965
    Table of Contents: “…A Yankee youth -- Liberty, Union, and war -- South to emancipation -- White man's politics -- Entering to vortex -- For the straitest sect -- A maverick republican -- Campaigning for reconstruction -- 1867 -- The reconstruction convention of 1868 -- Continued triumph -- A code commissioner -- A carpetbagger judge and the Ku Klux Klan -- The Klan and republican collapse -- Portrait of a carpetbagger -- A tale of redemption -- Tourgée and the settlement of 1875 -- The final blows -- A fools errand by one of the fools -- "Let there be light" -- The Continent disaster -- Recovering at Thorheim -- The bystander -- Commitment deferred -- The national citizens rights association -- Last errands -- The basis and Bordeaux.…”
  57. 57
    Table of Contents: “…summer 1940 -- Book One: The rise of the Third Republic, 1871-1919 -- A freakish birth and early growing pains 1871-1891 -- The Dreyfus affair 1894-1906 -- The consolidation of the Republic 1880-1914 -- Classes and conflict 1875-1914 -- The permanent political crisis 1875-1914 -- The achievements of the Third Republic 1875-1914 -- The coming of the first world war 1905-1914 -- The Third Republic's finest hour 1914-1918 -- Book Two: Illusions and realities of victory, 1919-1934 -- Victorious France: "the greatest power in Europe" 1919-1931 -- Decline I: political and financial chaos, and the Poincaré recovery 1924-1930 -- Decline II: the erosion of military power 1925-1934 -- Decline III: the world depression shakes the Third Republic 1931-1934 -- Book Three: The last years of the Republic, 1934-1939 -- A fateful turning point February 6, 1934 -- Aftermath: widening of the gulf 1934-1936 -- Coup in the Rhineland: the last chance to stop Hitler and avert a major war March 1936 -- France further divided, the front populaire and the Spanish Civil War 1936-1937 -- Dissension and disarray: France and the anschluss March 1938 -- The road to Munich I: April 27-September 13, 1938 -- The road to Munich II: September 15-28, 1938 -- The conference at Munich September 29-30, 1938 -- The turn of Poland 1939 -- A summer's interlude in Paris May-July 1939 -- The talks with Russia Summer 1939 -- The launching of World War II September 1-3, 1939 -- Book Four: The war and the defeat, 1939-1940 -- La Dróle de Guerre September 3, 1939-April 9, 1940 -- On the eve: the war in Norway, the threat to Belgium and the crisis in Paris Spring 1940 -- The battle of France I: The armies close in May 10-15, 1940 -- The battle of France II: disaster at Sedan, the breakthrough at the Meuse May 13-16, 1940 -- The battle of France III: disaster in Flanders and the surrender of Belgium May 16-June 4, 1940 -- The fall of Paris June 5-14, 1940 -- The flight to Bordeaux June 11-14, 1940 -- The agony of Bordeaux, the fall of Reynaud, Pétain takes over June 14-16, 1940 -- Armistice! …”
  58. 58
    by Hertzberg, Arthur
    Published 1968
  59. 59
    by Colton, Joel, 1918-2011
    Published 1966
    Table of Contents: “…From the years of preparation to the years of leadership: -- The early year, 1872-1914 -- "To guard the old house" : war socialism and party schism, 1914-1920 -- Party leader : theory and tactics, 1921-1933 -- The formation of the popular front : from the "Sixth of February" to the elections of 1936 -- The years of responsibility: -- The "Great fear" of June 1936 -- The "Exervise of Power" : The Blum experimemt -- The quest for peace : foreign affairs and national defense -- Drama of conscious : the non-intervention policy and the Spanish Civil War -- End of the "Exercise of power," June 1937 -- Decline of the Popular Front, June 1937-April 1938 : Vice-Premier, "National Unity," Second Government -- The years of anguish: -- Plowshares into swords : Munich and war, April 1938-March 1940 -- Witness to collapse : Paris and Bordeaux, May-June 1940 -- Vichy, July 1940 -- The prisoner, 1940-1942 -- Witness for the Republic : The Riom Trail, 1942 -- Bourassol, Buchenwald, Liberation, 1943-1945 -- Epilogue: The return: -- The last years, 1945-1950 : Humanist Socialism, the Fourth Republic -- End of the Apostolate.…”
  60. 60
    by Cain, Andrew
    Published 2009
    Table of Contents: “…-- The case against Jerome : trial and conviction -- Exile of a prophet -- The embattled ascetic saga -- Jerome's personal, theological, and ecclesiastical profiles -- Jerome's spiritual advice -- Legitimization -- The exegetical letters -- Remembering Fabiola, defending Hebrew verity -- From Bethlehem to the furthest reaches of Gaul -- Ep . 120 to Hedibia (Bordeaux) -- Ep . 121 to Algasia (Cahors?) -- Cultivated image.…”
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  61. 61
    Table of Contents: “…The legacy of past structure: trade between Bordeaux and the United States, 1784-89 -- 5. Poor Richard at work in the cotton fields: the psychological and ideological presuppositions of 'Time on the Cross' and other studies of slavery -- 6. …”
  62. 62
    Published 2016
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  63. 63
    Published 2005
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  64. 64
    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Steep -- Bowen family systems theory as feminist therapy / Louis Bordeaux Silverstein -- Cognitive behavioral couple therapy / Terence Patterson -- Object relations couple therapy / David E. …”
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    by Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930
    Published 1988
    Table of Contents: “…Andrew's -- How Alleyne Won his Place in an Honorable Guild -- How Agostino Pisano Risked his Head -- How the Bowmen held Wassail at the "Rose de Guienne" -- How England held the Lists at Bordeaux -- How a Champion came Forth from the East -- How Sir Nigel wrote to Twynham Castle -- How the Three Comrades Gained a Mighty Treasure -- How Roger Club-foot was Passed into Paradise -- How the Comrades came over the Marches of France -- How the Blessed Hour of Sight Came to the Lady Tiphaine -- How the Brushwood Men came to the Chateau of Villefranche -- How Five Men held the Keep of Villefranche -- How the Company took Counsel Round the Fallen Tree -- How the Army made the Passage of Roncesvalles -- How the Company Made Sport in the Vale of Pampeluna -- How Sir Nigel Hawked at an Eagle -- How Sir Nigel Took the Patch from his Eye -- How the White Company came to be Disbanded -- Of the Home-coming to Hampshire.…”
  67. 67
    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Welch -- Jack London / Jessica Abel -- Twigs and stones / Cole Johnson -- Dancing / Linda Barry -- Constellations / Debbie Drechsler -- Some of my best friends are / Diane Noomin -- The bunch, her baby, & Grammaw Blabette / Aline Kominsky-Crumb -- Alike-a-look / Ariel Bordeaux -- My mom was a schizophrenic / Chester Brown -- Excerpt from the end no.1 / Anders Nilsen -- White death / Joe Sacco -- Minnie's 3rd love, or "nightmare on Polk Street" / Phoebe Gloeckner -- Depressed Dora comics / Elinore Norflus -- Episodes 68 and 69 / Brian Chippendale -- National seashore / Leif Goldberg -- Near miss / David Mazzucchelli -- Jack survives / Jerry Moriarty -- Excerpts from Julius Knipl, real estate photographer: the beauty supply district / Ben Katchor -- Excerpt from Storeyville / Frank Santoro -- Cross-fader / Dan Zettwoch -- The curse / Kevin Huizenga -- Is there life after Levittown? …”
  68. 68
    Published 2003
    Table of Contents: “…Marie Hart -- 65-Adam / Nathaniel Bordeaux -- Why the Indians Never Won / Mary Redhouse -- We Finally Won / Mary Redhouse -- For the Children / Vena A-dae -- In the Nicotine Kitchen / Jennifer Morningstar -- That Night / Desiree Garcia -- Within Yourself / Desiree Garcia -- Deep Inside / Desiree Garcia -- This Is Part of Me I Hate / Brandan T.N. …”
  69. 69
    Table of Contents: “….): A garden at the Villa Medici, Rome; The maids of honor (Las Meninas); [and] The topers or The triumph of Bacchus / Diego Velásquez -- The witches' Sabbath; The snowstorm; The colossus; The parasol; Maja nude; Maja clothed; The flower girls; The flower girls (detail); The family of Charles IV; The second of May, 1808; The third of May, 1808; [and] The milkmaid of Bordeaux / Francisco Goya y Lucientes -- Charles II / Juan Carreño de Miranda -- St. …”