Table of Contents:
  • The Oregon Archives Crawl : engaging new users and advocates / Diana Banning, Mary B. Hansen, Anne LeVant Prahl, Portland Area Archivists
  • Moved by the spirit : opportunistic promotion of the Hamilton Family SeĢance Collection / Shelley Sweeney, University of Manitoba
  • Working within the law : public programming and continuing education / Leigh McWhite, University of Mississippi
  • Staying connected : engaging alumni and students to digitize the Carl "Pappy" Fehr Choral Music Collection / Amy C. Schindler, College of William & Mary
  • "Pin"pointing success : assessing the value of Pinterest and Historypin for special collections outreach / Mark Baggett, Rabia Gibbs, Alesha Shumar, University of Tennessee
  • Creating a new learning center : designing a space to support multiple outreach goals / Dorothy Dougherty, National Archives at New York City
  • Wikipedia is made of people! : revelations from collaborating with the world's most popular encyclopedia / Sara Snyder, Archives of American Art
  • 21 revolutions : new art from old objects / Laura Stevens, Glasgow Women's Library
  • Happy accidents and unintended consequences : how we named our Tribble / Rachael Dreyer, American Heritage Center
  • Navigating Nightingale : creating an app out of archives / Geof Browell, King's College London
  • DIY history : redesigning a platform for a transcription crowdsourcing initiative / Jen Wolfe and Nicole Saylor, University of Iowa
  • Taking preservation to the people : educating the public about personal digital archiving / William LeFurgy, Library of Congress.