Table of Contents:
  • Introduction to indexing and retrieval of non-text information / Diane Rasmussen Neal
  • Precedent or preference? : the construction of genre and music recommender systems / Jason Neal
  • Multilingual taxonomy development for ordinary images : issues and challenges / Elaine Ménard
  • Access to editorial cartoons : the state of the art / Chris Landbeck
  • Information behaviour and music information retrieval systems : using user accounts to guide design / Diane Rasmussen Neal, Niall Conroy
  • Seeking what we have yet to know : a user-centred approach to designing music knowledge platforms / Margaret Lam, Matt Ratto
  • Searching for music : end-user perspectives on system features / Athena Salaba, Yin Zhang
  • A user study of moving image retrieval systems and system design implications for library catalogues / Yin Zhang, Athena Salaba
  • An exploration of tags assigned to geotagged still and moving images on Flickr / Abebe Rorissa, Diane Rasmussen Neal, Jonathan Muckell, Alex Chaucer
  • Exploring the effectiveness of ontology based tagging versus free text tagging / Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Judit Bar-Ilan, Yitzchak Miller, Snunith Shoham
  • That obscure object of desire : facets for film access and discovery / Kathryn La Barre, Rosa Inês de Novais Cordeiro
  • Designing and visualizing faceted geospatial ontologies from library knowledge organization systems / Olha Buchel
  • Subject indexing of images : architectural objects with complicated history / Pawel Rygiel
  • An image based retrieval system for engineering drawings / Renata Maria Abrantes Baracho Porto, Beatriz Valadares Cendón
  • Emotion felt and depicted : consequences for multimedia retrieval / Kathrin Knautz
  • The critical role of the cold-start problem and incentive systems in emotional Web 2.0 services / Tobias Siebenlist, Kathrin Knautz
  • Non-textual information in gaming : a case study of World of warcraft / Caroline Whippey.