The Renaissance in Europe : an anthology / edited by Peter Elmer, Nick Webb, and Roberta Wood.

"The Anthology presents a series of carefully selected primary sources across a wide range of disciplines, ordered thematically and reflecting the interests of scholars in a variety of fields of Renaissance studies. There are sections on humanism and its impact on philosophy and politics; Renai...

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Elmer, Peter, Webb, Nick, 1959-, Wood, Roberta
Format: Book
Published: New Haven : London : Yale University Press ; The Open University, 2000.
Table of Contents:
  • On the inconstancy of fortune / Bracciolini. Journeys in the Propontis / Ciriaco of Ancona. Two letters about classical manuscripts: (i) To Guarino of Verona from the council of Constance, (ii) To Niccolo Niccoli from Rome / Bracciolini. The Treatise on the donation of Constantine / Valla. Annotations on St. Paul's epistle to the Romans 1:1-3 / Erasmus. Dedicatory letter to Thomas Ruthall on his translation of the Dialogues of Lucian of Samasota / More. Euphormio's Satyricon / Barclay. Of the equal and unequal sin of Adam and Eve / Nogarola. Oration to the University of Padua / Fedele. Novel XXX from the Heptameron / Marguerite of Navarre. The Florentine Chronicle / Villani. Preface to The history of the Florentine people / Bruni. Socrates' Second speech, from Phaedrus / Plato. Commentary on Plato's Phaedrus / Ficino. Of the true and false good / Valla. The Courtier / Castiglione. The praise of folly / Erasmus. From Utopia, Book II / More. History of Italy / Guicciardini. Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard / Thomas Aquinas. Report on a mission to Cesare Borgia / Machiavelli. The sack of Prato and the return of the Medici to Florence / Guicciardini. Letter to Francesco Vettori ; The discourses ; The art of war ; The Pazzi conspiracy from The Florentine history / Machiavelli. Maxims and reflections / Guicciardini. Against Nicholas Machiavelli / Gentillet. A Sforza banquet menu. Nichomachean ethics / Aristotle. Extracts from Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks. Life of Federigo da Montefeltro / Vespasiano da Bisticci. Letter patent to Master Luciano Laurano / Montefeltro. Ten books on Hungarian matters / Bonfini. Concerning the famous, wise and amusing words and actions of King Matthias Corvinus / di Narni. Report on the festivities at the Palazzo Te, Mantua, in honour of Charles V / Gonzaga de Borgoforte. Memorial / Lorenzo de' Medici. Prospective letter of employment to Ludovico Sforza / Leonardo da Vinci. Il Paradiso / Bellincioni. Three accounts of the visit of Galeazzo Maria Sforza to the Medici Palace. On his visit to Florence and the hospitality of Cosimo de' Medici / Pope Pius II. A letter about his villa at Laurentium / Pliny the Younger. 'The nimphs reply to the Sheepheard'
  • Raleigh. Eclogue V / Virgil. 'The Baite' / Donne. Sonnet 190, 'A white hind' / Petrarch. The Eton syllabus. Figures of diction from Rhetorica ad herennium. The life of the renowned Sir Philip Sidney / Greville. The argument, embleme, and glosse from 'Maye' / Spenser. The examinations of Anne Askew / Bale. An apology for poetry / Sidney. The art of poesie / Puttenham. Remarkes on the London theatres / de Witt. Visits to London theatres / Platter. Extracts from the Jew of Malta / Marlowe. Sermon on the renovation of the church / Savonarola. From the Introduction to the Rule of the Genoese Oratory of Divine Love. Address to the Fifth Lateran Council / Giles of Viterbo. The consilium de emendanda ecclesia. Inaugural address at the University of Ingolstadt / Celtis. Summary of a letter to cardinal Enea Silvio Piccolomini / Mair. Autobiographical fragment on his conversion ; Preface to the complete edition of A German theology ; Letter to Eobanus Hessus ; To the councilmen of all cities in Germany that they establish and maintain Christian schools ; Article 32 from his explanations of the 95 Theses; The bondage of the will ; An appeal to the ruling class of German nationality as to the amelioration of the state of Christendom ; Article 25 from Defence and explanation of all the articles of Dr. Martin Luther which were unjustly condemned by the Roman Bull ; Fragment of a letter to Philipp Melanchthon ; The Babylonian captivity of the church / Luther. Inaugural address to the University of Wittenberg ; Loci communes / Melancthon. On the Lord's Supper ; An exposition of the faith / Zwingli. Description of the religious situation in Augsburg / Venetian diplomatic report. Letter to Martin Luther / Egranus. Letter to Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony / Melanchthon. Letter to Nicholas Hausmann / Luther. Twelve articles of the peasants of Swabia
  • Lotzer. Federal ordinance. Letter to John Ruhel
  • Luther. Erfurt 'Peasant articles.' Letter to Stephen Roth at Wittenberg. Letter to Nicholas Hausmann ; Against the heavenly prophets in the matter of images and sacraments / Luther. Starry messenger / Galileo Galilei. On medical reform / Paracelsus. The witch or On the deception of demons / Pico della Mirandola. From his Travel journal
  • Montaigne.